My Story
Hello everyone, my name is Jose Martinez, founder of of eztinmar, LLC.
I started my career in the IT field in 2006. I got into IT as a means to make money and support my family. But it always was a job not a passion for me. I felt like my dreams of helping people change their lives for good where just that...Dreams and could never become reality.
Until 2022 when I decided my time was worth more than an hourly salary and I need to use it to make an impact on peoples lives in a positive way.How I didn't know...But I wasn't going to let that stop me from finding out.
All I knew up to this point was go to school, get a job, and save for retirement. The more I learned the more I knew my 9-5 and retirement wasn't going to cut it. I needed to become a person I never knew existed. I needed to find a way to become the person my family deserved.
If you feel the same way and want to find out how I went from my 9-5 to entrepreneur. Request more info below!
My Story
Get To Know Me.
Hello everyone, my name is Jose Martinez, founder of of eztinmar, LLC.
I started my career in the IT field in 2006. I got into IT as a means to make money and support my family. But it always was a job not a passion for me. I felt like my dreams of helping people change their lives for good where just that...Dreams and could never become reality.
Until 2022 when I decided my time was worth more than an hourly salary and I need to use it to make an impact on peoples lives in a positive way.How I didn't know...But I wasn't going to let that stop me from finding out.
All I knew up to this point was go to school, get a job, and save for retirement. The more I learned the more I knew my 9-5 and retirement wasn't going to cut it. I needed to become a person I never knew existed. I needed to find a way to become the person my family deserved.
If you feel the same way and want to find out how I went from my 9-5 to entrepreneur. Request more info below!
Checkout What I'm Doing Now.
Physical Fitness
Health and Physical Activity
If we want the strength to productively function day in and day out physical fitness combined with a healthy diet can work wonders for our daily stamina. This fact motivated me to commit to intentional exercise routines 5-6 days a week. This along with slowly restructuring my diet has helped me regain the strength, stamina, and focus I need to give the world the best of me everyday. I highly recommend incorporating exercise into your daily routine.
Personal Development
Understanding The Person Within
Growing up in the United States the norm tends to lean towards us acting on whats best for ourselves before even considering what best for our community. Yet most of us still seek validation, for these same individualistic goals, from the same community we fail to give the same consideration. A true understanding of ourselves will give us all the validation we need. When we define our principles, values, and beliefs our actions will align with our beliefs transforming us into the person we were always meant to be. This is why I am constantly reevaluating myself as part of my daily routine. To make sure I am constantly providing my best self to to the globe and ask you to join me!
Building Community
Developing Interpersonal Relationships
Once we have built a strong foundation with ourselves we can provide the, current, best version of ourselves to the world. Providing genuine value, from our heart, that aligns with our core principles, values, and beliefs. Understanding our value and the value of others allows us to collaborate cohesively with each individuals skills with genuine passion. I believe there is a reason there are so many humans on earth and it is to be interdependent. Dependent on the trust that we can rely on any other humans strengths to assist our weaknesses. This is why I give myself daily reminders that the ultimate reason I exist is to provide value to others and to help others realize they have the ability to do the same. Lets ALL make this a better planet for future generations.
If we want the strength to productively function day in and day out physical fitness combined with a healthy diet can work wonders for our daily stamina. This fact motivated me to commit to intentional exercise routines 5-6 days a week. This along with slowly restructuring my diet has helped me regain the strength, stamina, and focus I need to give the world the best of me everyday. I highly recommend incorporating exercise into your daily routine.
Growing up in the United States the norm tends to lean towards us acting on whats best for ourselves before even considering what best for our community. Yet most of us still seek validation, for these same individualistic goals, from the same community we fail to give the same consideration. A true understanding of ourselves will give us all the validation we need. When we define our principles, values, and beliefs our actions will transform us into the person we were always meant to be. This is why I constantly reevaluate myself as part of my daily routine. To make sure I am constantly providing my best self to to the globe and ask you to join me!
Once we have built a strong foundation with ourselves we can provide the, current, best version of ourselves to the world. Providing genuine value, from our heart, that aligns with our core principles, values, and beliefs. Understanding our value and the value of others allows us to collaborate cohesively with each individuals skills with genuine passion. I believe there is a reason there are so many humans on earth and it is to be interdependent. Dependent on the trust that we can rely on any other humans strengths to assist our weaknesses. This is why I give myself daily reminders that the ultimate reason I exist is to provide value to others and to help others realize they have the ability to do the same. Lets ALL make this a better planet for future generations.
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